A Beautiful Day To Die (MQ1)

Official Quest Name – Unbound

I still don’t know how they found me. I had made my way across the border into Skyrim on horseback. It was a new land, a new start. I had served my time in the Imperial jailhouses back home. Murder… What can I say, it wasn’t like she had said she didn’t like my hair. She had insulted my very being… my Dunmer heritage. It isn’t my fault that in a drunken stumper we had gotten into a brawl… and I never stopped punching…

But that didn’t seem to matter here. I was suprised, they had never heard of me yet I was knocked from my horse and my armor stripped. I was thrown in with three other men. I soon learned it was Ulfric Stormcloak, Ralof, and Lokir. I will admit, I found Ulfric physically appealing. But not that it would matter, now that we are in the custody of these soldiers… I wasn’t holding my breath that we would all make it.

We entered the gates of a city I would learn was called Helgen. It was quaint, quiet. There was a boy who looked like he would have been about my son’s age had he lived. I heard him say how he wanted to watch the soldier’s parade through town but his father rushed him inside. A good thing, no need to taint the innocent.

I thought of my son, Daemon, for only a moment as we stopped and unloaded. My first taste of blood was killing the man who murdered my husband and son over a gambling debt. My husband had been wounded in the line of duty and Imperials had cast him aside. He had taken to drink, and game, to entertain himself while I took in odd jobs around the city to put food on the table. Scero had never told me about all his debt. I would have found a way to pay. Regardless they didn’t have to take everything for her… It was devasting to loose both father and son in a single blow…

That’s when I snapped. It seemed to be Lokir had snapped too. He took off at a run, though he didn’t get far. He was shot down within a few feet. I was called foreward and asked my name. Imagion my suprise to learn that it was no where on the list. Here I let my hope rise for a moment… They’d let go now surly… Alas it was not to be. The superior ordered me killed as well. I barly escaped the flames of home and now I was to have my head removed. How ironic that a murderer lives but as an innocent unknown I am to die.

The first of my companions was sent to the block. Ulfric and the captain exchanged words. An odd noise sounded in the distance, a strange angry quiver flooded my veins. I looked for the noise but saw nothing until the sickening sound of head being parted from body made my eyes snap back to the block. I was beconed, the blood still warm where I laid my head. I couldn’t tell you what my last rites were, but what happened next I remember clear as day. A giant dragon landed upon the roof letting out a shout that disoriented me and caused my captures to scatter. In fear I scampered to my feet hearing the familiar voice of Ralof commanding me to follow. I took off after him, entering the keep only a few seconds behind him.

He lead me up the stairs, where a wall blew out. I watched the dragon slither off into the distance. Looking down we saw the inn on fire, amoung other parts of the town. Promising to meet up with me he told me to escape through the inn. I lept through the air onto the beams and dropped down. Breaking into a run I made my way along street, finally seeing the Imperial who had tried to spare my life. He looked at me, telling me to stay close. I followed, not knowing here else to turn. As we ran towards another building I heard Ralof. But I couldn’t see where he had escaped to by the time I turned to I snuck into the door behind the soldier, Hadvar. He unbound my hands and searched the room taking what armor and weapons I could carry. It felt so good to have the light armor on me again. I didn’t feel so… vulnerable. I hate being vulnerable.We managed to make our way through the building and down some stairs.

Then the roof collapsed. So much for slithering off. Obviously I need to pay much more attention and not start feeling safe while danger still persists. Sure, a few Stormcloaks had attacked, but they were easily dispatched. How do I protect myself against something I can’t hit!? I searched the area for potions, even picked the lock to a cage holding a dead mage. I wasn’t suprised the soldier’s didn’t seem to flinch as I stripped him and searched his body. I found a spell tome, sparks, within. I can preform sparks, I will able to sell this for a little gold to restart my life.

I made my way further into the dungeon with Hadvar. He was a kind soul, that much I’ll admit. I stayed back, shooting sparks at the enemy while he handled closer combat. We crossed a bridge, the sound of water oddly relaxing even now. A littler further was more rubble but we were able to drop through the floor to follow the stream.

I will say I loathe spiders! I dispatched them quickly, taking some of their venom for future use. We found a bear as well, which we snuck past. I wasn’t sure if in these crowded corridors we could manuver enough to concure him. We made a break for the daylight once it was within sight. I think both of needed to see land.

I saw the dragon flying to the north… I wasn’t sure what was happening…

All I knew was that I was alive. Saved by a dragon’s chaos. And I was alone. In a strange land…